February 2023 Wyrd Wanderings

This month’s Wyrd Wandering Bindrune is a couple weeks late for a lot of reasons. Namely, I had a death in my family. It was a long time coming and nothing unexpected, however, like most forms of grief, with it came a whole lot of other emotions as well. I made sure to take time to allow myself to feel my feelings, allow myself to grieve and to do sacred ceremonies in the way I felt was right for me. 

It was also difficult for me to feel creative during that time as well because to be perfectly honest, my brain was fried. I was processing a lot and I was really scatterbrained for a good week after I got word of my Opa passing. A lot of memories came up that I had honestly forgotten about or hadn’t thought about in a really long time. How my Opa (grandfather) taught me how to create the flower of life symbol using a compass, a symbol that has been showing up a lot for me as another version of the Web of Wyrd. Since his passing I’ve been seeing literally everywhere and I see it as one of a million different signs for me but especially that my Opa is on the other side keep an eye out for me. 

But today, I really wanted to focus and get this piece out there. I put on all of my apatite and put on my focus and created one of my favorite depictions of the Well of Wyrd to date. For me it looks like a reflection, looking into the Well and how through deep spirit work, it can help empower us to live the lives we want to live. And deep spirit work requires honest and raw self-reflection and honesty. No by-passing allowed to accomplish this kind of work. And as I was reflecting on this bindrune it reminded me a lot of how my Opa helped inspire me to be my authentic self. 

The Ango-Frisian rune Stan is all about the stories of our heroes and those that inspire us and help shape our lives. My Opa was a very old world quiet man with the driest sense of humor and burns. I never tried to be like my Opa, but when I was being my most authentic self, I found that he and I had a lot in common. And he saw that in me and really believed in me. 

These last couple of weeks have taught me the importance of really standing up for what I believe in and reclaiming my personal power. One of the hardest things I have had to do was walk away from my toxic family after years and years of trying to make things work out and it just simply wasn’t. I had to work through a lot of tough emotions from years and years of gaslighting and manipulation to remind myself that I am not a horrible person for not seeing my Opa in his last moments. He had full on dementia at that point and the man I knew simply wasn’t there anymore. It was hard to honor my truths and not let the self-gaslighting convince me to go back to people who really don’t even like me. 

And that to me is what this Bindrune really embodies. The deep spiritual work and those that inspire us, lifting us up to live the life that we want to live. So if you’re needing help getting back on track with your spiritual path or even your personal journey through life to live life the way you want to, you are welcome to use this Bindrune for personal spiritual purposes only. If you are interested in getting this or any of my other pieces tattooed, click here to learn more about my Permission to Tattoo fee. If you would like to support the work I do, check out my Link Tree for links to my Ko-Fi, my RedBubble, and all of the many things I do as well.



Stephanie Ingersoll